Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cafe Valencia Mix

1/2 cup instant coffee
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup sugar
2-3 packets of True Orange© or 2-3 teaspoon orange zest
1/3 cup non-dairy creamer
1/4 cup powdered milk

At home: combine everything in a zip locking plastic bag
In camp: add 2-3 tablespoons of mix to 1 cup hot water. Stir and enjoy.
This recipe courtesy of One Pan Wonders

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Get Green Coffee - Fresh and Cheap

If you want to buy green coffee beans which are fresh as well as cheap then this could be the most important article you will ever read.

Most of the times, the green coffee you buy is so old that its entire flavor is lost and it smells awful. The sellers don’t care! All they want you to do is to buy their coffee, no matter if it was kept for years in a warehouse.

You want coffee which is fresh and which satisfies the cravings of your taste buds and you want to get the smell of fresh coffee when you wake up in the morning.

I am sure you know about it, but let me remind you that there are many different grades of coffee depending on where it was grown and if you have still not made up your mind as to which grade of coffee you want to buy, then do so now. You don’t want to get confused when you are out there making a buying decision. Trust me, it will get harder when you see the different kinds of coffee available.

Just to make it a little easier for you, here are some of the most popular green coffee beans that people are buying like crazy. Choose from among these and you would surely have made a good choice.

So, the most popular green coffee beans are:

1. Costa Riccan Tarrazu

2. Colombian Supremo

3. Tanzanian Peaberry

4. Sumatra Mandheling

5. And many more than I could list here

After you have decided which type of green coffee beans you want to buy, then I am sure you would like to know how to get them for cheap and by cheap I don’t mean inferior. I mean you would be getting the best kind of coffee you want for a price that you would gladly pay. The secret is to buy 5 pounds of coffee at a time. Yes, trust me. I have found out that you get the best price breaks when you buy 5 pounds at a time.

And now that you have already decided the type of green coffee beans you want and the amount of coffe beans that you want, let me tell you where to get the highest quality coffee beans at a low low price. Well, the answer is to look for it online. This way you would be able to get the highest quality coffee for a discounted price .

Image: deltaforce4

Friday, November 12, 2010

Organic Coffee

Organic Coffee Beans

Benefits of Organic Coffee.
Organic coffee beans are coffee beans that have been produced without the use of pesticides or herbicides. This is both beneficial to both the producer and the consumer. However, non-organic coffee is typically higher yielding because it is not usually shade grown.

The definition of certified organic coffee can be extended to include an emphasis on recycling, composting, soil health, and protection of the environment. These are important aspects to sustainability that are both cost effective and socially responsible. That is why organic fair trade coffee and organic shade grown coffee often go hand in hand.

Certified Organic Coffee Beans
The most common third party certification group is the Organic Crop Improvement Association. They charge $350 for organic coffee certification. Although this is relatively inexpensive for most farms, some small producers make only $1,000 per year.

To find an organic coffee supplier or for a list of certified organic coffee retailers, visit the Organic Trade Association.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Turkhis coffee

Coffee is one of the major sources of anti-oxidants. It aids the memory and boosts the spirit. It is because of these benefits and more why coffee is able to create an entire culture dedicated to its name. The Turks have always ritualised the drinking of coffee and the original coffee brewer was probably a Turk using something not dissimilar to the 'ibrik' or 'cezve' in use today.

Traditionally, the very finely ground (pulverised) coffee is placed in an 'ibrik' with water and a spoonful of sugar and brought to the boil. The moment it boils, it is taken off the heat, then put back until it has just boiled again, then removed and the process repeated - usually three times. Finally, a few drops of water are added to the pan to make the dregs fall to the bottom.

The coffee should be served very hot and frothy - coffee that does not have foam indicates bad preparation and/or bad quality of beans. Some grounds will settle at the bottom of the cup. As it is completely unfiltered, the resulting coffee is extremely strong and quite different from the coffee drunk in the West.

Great Web That Talk About Coffee

The following are a list of great web that talks about coffee.
list of great web that talk about coffee:


Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Much Caffeine In A Cup Of Coffee, Tea, Cola or Chocolate Bar?

On humans, caffeine acts particularly on the brain and skeletal muscles while theophylline targets heart, bronchia, and kidneys.

Other data on caffeine:

Cup of coffee 90-150 mg
Instant coffee 60-80 mg
Tea 30-70 mg
Mate 25-150 mg
Cola 30-45 mg
Chocolate bar 30 mg
Stay-awake pill 100 mg
Vivarin 200 mg
Cold relief tablet 30 mg

Chocolate — – – – — mg caffeine

baking choc, unsweetened, Bakers-- 1 oz(28 g) 25
german sweet, Bakers -- 1 oz (28 g) 8
semi-sweet, Bakers -- 1 oz (28 g) 13

Choc chips

Bakers -- 1/4 cup (43 g) 13
german sweet, Bakers -- 1/4 cup (43 g) 15
Chocolate bar, Cadbury -- 1 oz (28 g) 15
1.4 oz bar of milk choc. 3-10
1.4 oz bar of white choc 2-4
1.4 oz. bar of dark choc 28
Chocolate milk 8oz 8
Chocolate milk 8 oz. glass 2-7


Jello Pudding Pops, Choc (47 g) 2
Choc mousse from Jell-O mix (95 g) 6
Jello choc fudge mousse (86 g) 12
Chocolate covered espresso bean 3-5


3 heaping teaspoons of choc powder mix 8
2 tablespoons choc syrup 5
1 envelope hot cocoa mix 5

Dietary formulas

Ensure, Plus, Choc, Ross Labs -- 8 oz (259 g) 10


Brazil Bourbons 1.20 %
Celebes Kalossi 1.22
Colombia Excelso 1.37
Colombia Supremo 1.37
Ethiopian Harrar-Moka 1.13
Guatemala Antigua 1.32
Indian Mysore 1.37
Jamaican Blue Mtn/Wallensford Estate 1.24
Java Estate Kuyumas 1.20
Kenya AA 1.36
Kona Extra Prime 1.32
Mexico Pluma Altura 1.17
Mocha Mattari (Yemen) 1.01
New Guinea 1.30
Panama Organic 1.34
Sumatra Mandheling-Lintong 1.30
Tanzania Peaberry 1.42
Zimbabwe 1.10


Colombia Supremo Dark 1.37 %
Espresso Roast 1.32
French Roast 1.22
Vienna Roast 1.27
Mocha-Java 1.17

DECAFS–all @ .02% with Swiss Water Process

Often, people who rapidly reduce their caffeine intake have reported being irritable, finding it tough to concentrate at work, being extra nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy at odd times of the day. Headaches are common, and in extreme cases, nausea and vomiting can occur. At the same time, a major study has found fewer suicides among coffee drinkers than those who abstained from caffeine altogether. So best not to quit your caffeine fix completely, but perhaps you should wean yourself down to a healthy level- slowly.

Most people slowing their caffeine intake say that reducing their daily fix by a rate of 1/2 cup of coffee a day makes the change relatively pain-free. Others count their weekly intake and aim for three to five cups less per week.

Keep a tally of how much coffee you consume v it might surprise you v and it will definitely come in handy when you decide how to bring your coffee intake back to a healthy level.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mocha Coffee Mix

Prep Time: 10 Min
Ready In : 10 Min


* 1 1/4 cups instant coffee granules
* 7 cups dry milk powder
* 5 3/4 cups powdered chocolate drink mix
* 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
* 1 3/4 cups powdered non-dairy creamer


  1. In a large bowl, mix together instant coffee, milk powder, chocolate drink mix, confectioners' sugar and powdered creamer. Store in an airtight container.
  2. To serve, place 4 tablespoons of mixture into a coffee mug. Stir in 1 cup boiling water.
Amount Per Serving Calories: 116 | Total Fat: 4.9g | Cholesterol: 14mg

Author: bea


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Cup Of Coffee Per Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Coffee is now gaining a reputation for doing more good for your health, than bad. Studies show that old myths that coffee drinking can lead to cancer, diseases, hyperactive behavior, and a higher risk of miscarriage during pregnancy have been debunked, making coffee enjoyable to drink without feeling guilty.

According to the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, an experiment showed that nineteen-month-old rats (equivalent to 70 year-old humans) who consumed coffee performed faster and more precisely in mazes than rats that did not have any coffee. Although most people believe that caffeine causes one to be jittery and unfocused, Barbara Shukitt-Hale states, That [the rats] were not hyper at all. The rats with even an equivalent to 15 cups in their system performed tasks at a much more efficient rate than those without any coffee consumed.

Not only can coffee improve concentration and stamina, but it can improve physical ability, as well. Researchers of the Cancer Epidemiology have discovered that those who drink at least one cup of coffee daily have a 39 percent decreased risk in head and neck cancer than those who do not drink. An experiment in Sydney, Australia showed that someone who drinks 3 to 4 cups of decaffeinated coffee daily has a 33 percent decreased chance for Type 2 diabetes.

Of course, not all coffee is created equal. Certain types of coffee have proven to be more beneficial to health. Roasted coffee, for example, increases the availability of polyphenols to the brain and protects cells from oxidative damage. In other words, polyphenols have the ability to calm brain cells so that they are not overpowered by stress. With less stress, the body can focus on keeping itself healthy and fighting diseases.

Coffee has also proven to be neutral for certain factors that it was once thought to negatively impact. One common fear is that coffee consumption during pregnancy will increase the risk of a miscarriage or a preterm birth. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), however, has determined that a moderate caffeine intake should not cause anyone any worries. Less than 200 mg of coffee daily should not put a pregnancy at risk. Another unwarranted coffee concern is the fear of a connection between prostate cancer and caffeine intake. Because of the chemicals in coffee, some studies indicate that there is a greater chance of coffee preventing cancer than causing it.
As researchers continue to dispel myths and uncover previously unknown benefits of drinking coffee, you can put your mind at ease the next time you refill your mug.

Read more:
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Kopi Luwak "civet coffee"

Kopi Luwak is Indonesian coffee made from robusta or arabica coffee beans which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Indonesian Civet.Kopi luwak is collected from nature, usually still in the form of animal feces and then processed with special procedure to produce coffee beans with the taste of the original kopi luwak.

The method of presentation in Kopi luwak is basically not much different from the presentation of coffee in general. But I suggest based on experience can be enjoyed with Kopi Luwak brew + 8 grm/150 cc hot water (95 - 98oC). Use the water after boiling so that flavors can be awake and not go along with boiling water to evaporate. Use ceramic cups for hold and keep coffee stay hot.

The method of presentation in Kopi luwak is basically not much different from the presentation of coffee in general. But I suggest based on experience can be enjoyed with Kopi Luwak brew + 8 grm/150 cc hot water (95 - 98oC). Use the water after boiling so that flavors can be awake and not go along with boiling water to evaporate. Use ceramic cups for hold and keep coffee stay hot.