Sunday, October 31, 2010

kind of Coffee

Coffee plants can flourish in the highlands at an altitudes of 2.000 to 6.000 feet above sea level.
Coffee is a member of the madder family. It grows to about 10 to 15 feet high, but is often kept pruned to a height of 6 to 7 feet so that berries, can be harvested easily .Coffee from the highlands have a very good flavor, usually grown in plantations at an altitude of 600 to 1,800 meters above sea level.

coffee has different varieties and each with varying size and colors.

Coffee Varieties:

  • Arabica - is the most widely grown
  • Mocha - is a variety grown in southern Arabia
  • Java - is grown on the island of Java
  • Rio and Santos - are Brazilian varieties
  • Colombian - from Colombia

Coffee comes in a huge spectrum of varieties, each with it's own unique flavour and aroma.
There are kind of coffee as I know:

Turkish Coffee
Turkish coffee is actually a style of coffee preparation, rather than a distinct type of coffee. Find out how to make it.

is a strong coffee made by exposing ground, highly roasted coffee to steam.

is an espresso coffee to which frothy cream or frothy milk has been added. Coffee sometimes flavored with chicory, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, almond, or other additives.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, a high-quality coffee varietal from the tropics.

Hawaiian Kona Coffee
It's only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island, and it's one of the finest coffees in the world.

Kopi Luwak
Kopi Luwak is considered the rarest beverage in the world. Once you find out how it's processed, you'll believe it.

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